Mr. Arun Kumar is a ‘Senior Arhat Trainer’ who has been practising this healing modality since 2002 - during his college years. He graduated from MVIT Bangalore (where he studied his Master’s in Computer Applications) .He then went on to work for Multi-National Corporations and after few years he joined WISSEN INFOTECH (Bangalore) .
Where his divine life started ?
He followed his Inner call & Innate desire of serving the humanity and to spread the priceless teachings of his teacher. In 2009, he quit his job once and for all working as the ‘Team Leader’. Indefatigably ever since, he has been spreading the teachings (in India [bihar,up,delhi,nepal, Jharkhand, Orissa , Jammu & Kashmir] and abroad [UK, Canada] and has produced 100+ trainers.
Furthermore, he has also conducted international programs in Bodhgaya and Rajgir (Bihar) with above 500 participants. He has been conducting higher spiritual courses in holy city of Vaishali (Birthplace of 24th Jain Teerthankar Lord Mahaveer).
Known for practising what he preaches, he does a lot of charity works and conducts many charitable drives along with his team. He is changing lives of 1000s of soul by bringing them to spirituality , providing free education program & spiritual teachings for children who otherwise would be deprived of it.
His life can serve as a living testament for all of us who aspire to follow their inner call to serve the humanity and live beyond the limitations of our bodily experiences.
Together, we all can collectively work towards eliminating the suffering of all sentient beings and collectively lead towards illumination.